Name of RK chain has started from 1953.
The name “RK” comes from the Initial of the word Roller Chain in German, “Rollenkette”.
The fact that German has been used shows the respect to the high technology of German during the 1950`s, and the vision of RK to obtain high technology through endless research and development.
Today, with the efforts and research, RK was able to obtain the TOP level of technology in the world.
RK continue to provide customer the best technology with a reliable quality.
The name “RK” comes from the Initial of the word Roller Chain in German, “Rollenkette”.
The fact that German has been used shows the respect to the high technology of German during the 1950`s, and the vision of RK to obtain high technology through endless research and development.
Today, with the efforts and research, RK was able to obtain the TOP level of technology in the world.
RK continue to provide customer the best technology with a reliable quality.